Knight Writer Podcast #10: The Library – Still Relevant for Writers

Aspiring author Sean D Knight discusses the importance of public libraries and how they are still a writer’s most valuable resource. Especially for new and struggling writers. Whether it is to research topics for your book, learn new things, or even to promote and sell your book.

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Back on the Blog Again

Right now I am in my third week at a new job where I lay down commercial tile and carpet for businesses. It has been an interesting experience to say the least, though a taxing one. The impact on my body has been immediate. Sore shoulders, stiff back, sore shins, and sore hands. The sore hands was not something I expected, which has made it even more of a pain to do any typing. Right now, as I adjust to the job, lack of free time, and the pain, I find myself so physically exhausted when I get home that I can not bring myself to do any writing.

Continue reading “Back on the Blog Again”

Knight Writer Podcast #7: The One Sentence Pitch

In this week’s Knight Writer Podcast, aspiring author Sean D Knight briefly talks about an article from The Guardian about how authors are being paid a pittance in the UK and how there has been a sharp decline in the number of full-time writers. He then goes on to talk about the one sentence pitch and tries to create one for his own work-in-progress.

You can listen to the podcast on Anchor, iTunes, or YouTube.